Victor Barbosa Rocha

Hello, I'm Victor

I’m 25 years old, from Brazil, currently finishing my Computer Science degree.

I would describe myself as a positive person, team player and enthusiastic about learning new things.

I enjoy running, reading, creating 3D models and watching late 90s-early 2000 cartoons.

My skills

Competitive Programming

  • It’s a sport in which we are given high-level abstraction specifications of a program, with instructions of what the inputs are, what the expected output should be and the maximum execution time of the solution.

  • I’ve participated in a few competitions, once coming in second. Here is my URI Online Judge page.

Web development

  • In the course, we first covered databases (SQL, NoSQL, Graph) and later moved on to web development where I learned about HTML, CSS and JavaScript and also the Framework React. For the backend, I learned NodeJS.

  • I have built sites with just HTML, CSS and JS, others with React and an app with React Native.

  • Right now, I’m working on my skills to be industry level and secure a job as a frontend developer.

Game Development with Unity

  • I have intermediate knowledge of the Unity Game Engine and programming in C#. My current internship is as a Game Developer for Embrapa.

3D asset creation

  • I’m self taught in the creation of assets for games. I understand about modeling topology and the workflow to get a hard surface asset from concept to completion.

  • I use Maya for modeling, MarmosetToolbag for the baking of normals and other maps and Substance Painter for texturing.

  • Check out my Artstation page.

Design tools

  • I can use photoshop and illustrator quite well. I learn what I need to get the job done.

Video editing

  • I enjoy editing videos and have a channel on youtube where I post about my learning progress and some other subjects that interest me. I edit with Premiere Pro.
  • Check out my YouTube Channel, it’s in Portuguese though.

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